Right gland

Example: “Adjacent to the right thyroid gland in the cervical lymph node chain there is an elongated lymph node, measuring 3.5 x 1.3 x 0.7 cm.”

There is only 1 thyroid gland. There is no right thyroid gland or left thyroid gland. It’s not like right and left kidneys. There are right and left lobes of the thyroid gland. There is no reason to say anything other than “lobe”. It’s more accurate and shorter than “gland”.

A lymph node “adjacent to the right thyroid gland” will only be in the cervical lymph node chain. As such, the words “in the cervical lymph node chain” don’t impart any useful information.

The word “elongated” is subjective and ambiguous. Does it mean the node is abnormal? Giving  three-dimensions allows the reader to understand the node’s configuration. (Obviously some additional comments regarding morphology such as “echogenic hilum” would be needed for complete description.)

Example: “Adjacent  to the right thyroid gland in the cervical
lymph node chain there is an elongated lymph node, measuring 3.5 x 1.3 x
0.7 cm.”

Possible rewrite:
“3.5 x 1.3 x 0.7 cm lymph node adjacent to the right thyroid lobe.”

The proposed edit takes the sentence from a Flesch-Kincaid 12.5 grade level down to 7.5, and improves the readability score from 49.4 to 65.7.